Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
As of 4:45...

The Rancher!

New House!
We've been house shopping!

The first house we attempted to buy was sold. The second...sold. The third we put up an offer. We got our home inspection. The house was falling down around us. We still loved it though. Due to an incompetent seller's Realtor the house fell through. One might say it was all for the best.

So here we are again...waiting to see if this offer is going to go through. I have high hopes for this one. It's a beautiful three bedroom, one and a half bath rancher.

Here's to hoping!

Making it Lovely
More Ways to Waste Time

I seem to have already started planning out the rooms.

Monday, February 11, 2008
The Green Girl
Recently I have have been trying to make my life "greener". And by "greener," I mean harder. But not really. Well, maybe sorta. My husband and I have been making our own cleaning products, soaps, breads, and several different types of foods. I'm still searching for perfect recipes for this and that. I've found a pretty good chocolate muffin recipe, a good, if not flat, bread recipe, and a fairly decent soap recipe. Most, if not all, are still in the trial and error stages. We've been doing this for about two months now. I guess you could say it was part of our "new year's resolution." But not really. We are quite committed to the program however. If you call not eating processed mysteries a "program," or washing your skin in chemicals that could literally give you chemical burns. (We've been making lye soap.) It all seems to be sort of ....dare I Of course I get the "hippie" comments frequently and whatnot, but I don't mind. I'd rather be a hippie than a mutant. :)

Visit these guys! They helped us...
The Simple Dollar
Tree Hugger
My Two Dollars

More to come...

Monday, January 28, 2008
Knoxville Craft Mafia
Long time, no blog. :) It's been more than a hiatus, it's been 8 months. Shame Shame!!! Oh well.

We moved to Knoxville and I have recently joined the Knoxville Craft Mafia.

Check them out, Knoxville Craft Mafia

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I did it!
Well i've done it! I hope it works. For weeks now I have been creating craft projects in the hopes that I could sell the items on . Well, I did it! A Crafty Woman is my new store on Etsy. I hope that everyone who visits this site will stop by and see what I have to offer.

(Which isn't much because I hate everything I do. I'm sure nothing will sell and this is a complete waste of time.)

But my husband likes my stuff. My mom likes it. And that's saying a lot! haha. ;)

Seriously though, please stop by. A Crafty Woman.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Couples Dating..."Not Swingers!"
For years now my husband has mentioned ideas from time to time pertaining to his "million dollar ideas." His most popular, The Bean Infuser! Basically this particular machine would infuse beans with hot sauce. "A spicy kick in every bite of bean!" He is nothing if not creative. Recently though, my husband has been pushing the "million dollar idea" of a Couples Dating Website. (Not for swingers, we're not that social!) Basically this website would be somewhat similar to or other similar 'singles' websites. Couples would put up profiles and find other couples in the area that match with their interests and 'date.'

Now, don't think that this idea is not well thought out! OHhhhhhhhh no! We've done much, much research. It wasn't until recently, however, that we truly realized just how much research we've done into this matter. I was having an innocent conversaiton with my mother about our social activities when Hubby interjected with his Couples Dating Plan. My mother was floored that we actually have 'dated' several couples. At this point in our lives, late 20 somethings with no children, we are desperate for friends and have no resource to find them.

I thought that I might share some of our more recent escapades into the wonderful world of couples dating.

Couple #1, Mr. Army and Mrs. English Major
Mr. Army was a little quiet but very friendly and he and hubby got along wonderfully. Mrs. English Major and I bonded quickly with our love of writing and many common interests. We all talked and played board games till the wee hours of the morning. We had a fantastic time. Then the question happened. "Where are you guys from?" Turns out they were headed to South Carolina and we were headed back to Alabama. We're still friends, though on an email basis. Not exactly who you call on a friday night to have a little fun.

Couple #2, Mr. Hardrock and Mrs. Workswithhubby
After our second couples dating experience we were full of hope and anxious to try again to find some more local couples to hang out with. Hubby suggested we date a woman he worked with and her husband. I was warned they were a little hard, in that they appreciated rock music and beer. I can hang with that I thought, I'll try it. We decided to have dinner at a local Indian restaurant. First impressions are sometimes wrong right? They arrived in full 80's goth/punk attire. I was dressed fairly prissy considering I was meeting new people for the first time and wanted to look nice. Opps! Who knew I should have pulled out the mohawk and torn jeans. My bad! The conversation throughout dinner was forced as she and I had nothing in common and Mr. Hardrock was highly opinionated about everything. Though the date wasn't great I agreed to give it another shot, but thank goodness that didn't happen. Mr. Hardrock didn't like us anymore than I liked them. We were dumped.

Couple #3, Mr. Pokergame and Mrs. English Major
Ahhhh. I thought I'd struck gold with these folks. They were perfect...until we got to know them. This one ended before it started. I dumped them over email.

Couple #5, Mr. and Mrs. Friendsroommates
This went so well for a period of time. That is, until I began to think about the activities on our dates. This is the "only fun when they're intoxicated" couple. Oops. Still good, extremely shy, people, just only fun to hang out with when there's nothing for them to do the next day. I think they were dumped via text message.

Couple #6, Mr. and Mrs. Coffeeshop
Yes, our lives are so pathetic that we've resorted to picking up couples at coffee shops. We've yet to date this couple. We have a semi date planned. Here's to hoping that it's better than the rest.

Update: Couple #6, NEVER CALLED US BACK!! Can you believe that!!

bloggity blog blog
So I seem to have gotten out of the habit of blogging.
Maybe it's that or just that nothing terribly good has happened to blog about.

My rants:
1. Both cars died.
2. Bought a new car and couldn't get the title in our names. (I have much love for the DMV.)
3. Still no jobs for either my husband or myself.
4. We're in a lawsuit because the siding on our house is rotten. (NICE!)

So with that life goes on!

Highlights as of late:
1. I went fishing for the first and second time. I've still yet to catch a fish.
2. I tie dyed with my husband. We had some pretty cool shirts. See flickr.
3. We shaved the dog. She's much happier for some reason.
4. It's spring.
