Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The Attempted Holdup!
Husband and I were making our Saturday trek around Huntsville discovering new and different things to do when we felt hunger pains that had to be relieved. In our quest for food we decided to treat ourselves and stop at McDonald's. In hindsight that was a very poor idea as the food was disqusting. It had evidentally been so long since we had even been in a McDonald's in fact that we didn't even recognise the menu and ordered directly from tv commercials we'd seen. Husband had a double cheeseburger that smelled like plastic and I had chicken mcnuggets which tasted strange also. All that to say that the day was going fairly well with little or no excitement....until.....husband and i decided to use the restroom and leave the restaurant(though i use the term losely). As husband and i exited the booth and made our way to the door we happened to notice a homeless man that had spent the past 20 minutes going in and out of the restroom sitting in a booth by the door. Almost at the exact same time husband and i look at the homeless man and run to the drink machine with looks of horror. The homeless man is sitting in the booth opening what looks to be a handgun with a knife. So, just to recap....we have a homeless man with obvious restroom problems in possession of not only a knife but also a gun. So, husband and i grab our cokes and hit the door. This is deffinately not the scene for us. As we get to the car though we begin discussing the situation and come to the conclusion that the homeless man is in possession of a very "real gun" looking BB gun. Not as dangerous but still might pose a threat should someone not know that this is a BB gun. My husband calls the McDonalds. "Hi, are you the guy in the grey shirt that works in the McDonald's on North Parkway?" (and i'm sure this doesn't freak out the manager at all) "well, i just wanted to tell you that you have a homeless man opening a BB gun that looks like a real handgun in the back of your restaurant." To that the poor manager guy replies, "No shit!, I should go take care of that, thanks man." Click! Husband and I continue on with our day.


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