Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Drowning Puppies...on assident
The dog was fine last night in the rain. In fact, he LOVED it, much to my dismay. Husband had told me his intentions of making the dog a "swimming dog" right out of the petshop door. I, on the otherhand, intended to make the dog afraid of water so that I would have someone to sit on the dock with me and watch the others in the water. (I hate being in water, seriously, like even bath water, I'm a shower girl all the way!) This plan appears to be a no go. The nature of the dog seems to be overriding my wishes. Heh, I'll continue to have fun...on the side...alone...watching the turtles.

On a side notes, puppies can fit down storm drains in our neighborhood. Puppies are also not very good at jumping. Is it all adding up? huh? Let me help. Take 1 owner who's talking to a neighbor (that equals completely oblivious to the dog because I'm doing something else and we all know I can't do two things at once), 1 extremely long leash, 1 rather large open drain on the street, and 1 very clumbsy puppy who has rather poor jumping skills. That's right folks, that adds up to a whole mess of trouble. Coal and I are pleasantly walking along, I stop to talk to neighbors, she continues on, and the slack in the leash suddenly becomes non-exsistent and Coal is crying like a newborn baby. Uhg. Good thing this is a dog and not a child. Children generally aren't on leashes and what would I have done then??!!

Coal is safe and warm at home in her very, VERY makeshift doghouse. Remind me I need to show the pictures. HAH! We're good dog owners, REALLY!
