Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
You Can't Go Back....Or Can You?
I tend to be one of those people whose lives revolves around cliches. I like cliches. They're comforting. Always there, always fitting for any situation, and easily accessed. One particular cliche that came around last night was "you can't go back" and also "you can never go home again." Both varieties found in the "graduated college now what" crowd. (Primarily in the 22-30 age range. And YES! I said 30! Engineering schools are hard and require more than 4 years no matter what anyone tells you!)

I'm going to break away from this completely serious and heartfelt blog entry for a moment to tell you internet readers that I just sucked coffee... HOT coffee ... up my nose and down into my lungs and I'm choking. Everytime I think I've got it under control, that's right! ... another choking session. GAWD! Don't my lungs know that I'm in an office with other people who don't want to hear me dying slowly.

*cough* *cough* (hacks up lung is literal translation)

I don't believe you can go back, but can you begin again? Is it possible to regain the close, deep, comforting friend relationships that you once had with friends after a long seperation? If you can, will it be dull in comparison to your past experiences with them? Would it be purely a recount of past experiences and emotions? Is it possible to rebuild and have new experiences and emotions and make new memories to be recounted at a later time?

I have no answer to the majority of these questions, but all of me hopes that good, new, exciting experiences can come from past friendships given a new coat of paint. "You make friends, you grow up and people move away" is a common cliche, but when those friends move back...well, I guess you just thank your lucky stars and take your second chance to make it the best time ever. (Only expecting and knowing that it won't last forever this time.)

*Raises coffee cup to the internet*

I propose a toast to new friendships. May we grow closer than we have ever been before. And may we remember what we had and appreciate it with all our hearts. Cheers to the old friends that made the move, the ones who haven't, the ones that will, and to the ones coming home.
