Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Friday, March 17, 2006
One of those weeks...
This has definately been one of those weeks. The weeks where you just wonder why you even bothered to get out of bed. Don't get me wrong, every part involving the dog or my husband has been a ton of fun...everything else...not really bad, but definately not good. Ok, Mainly I guess it was just tuesday, wednesday and thursday, just because it was irritating.

Tuesday, some friends of ours emailed to tell us that their child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Heartbreaking really. (All I'm going to say on that right now.) Then tuesday night, we had to go out to the Green to get the dog house from the Rent-In-Laws. So, we borrow a car from a girl who has become our friend but is not really an old, I know you better than most, kind of friend. (None of our other friends, the I know you better than most friends, were willing to let us borrow a vehicle or go out to the Green with us. And no, Allis, this isn't directed at you. You asked why I didn't ask you, then offered, then told me you were busy for the rest of the week, which is fine. Then you blew off our "girl's night" to sit at home and play poker with the boys, that kinda sucks. :) BUT, Like I said, completely not directed at you.) BUT, it wouldn't fit, so back to town we go at 11:00 at night because Hubby didn't get out of class till 9 and we had to have Rent-In-Law visitation time. The doghouse won't fit in an suv and requires a flatbed truck. Husband and I are out of options, so the Puppy's just been sleeping in the bathroom. Which is fine. Coal may never have a dog house, but we'll worry about that next winter. :) After we returned the car to our friend, we hung out for a while with her and her boyfriend (who is an old friend) and chatted. Good time had by all... or so I thought.

Wednesday, was completely great till about 9. At 9 my phone rings. Another of my, I know you better than most, friends. I actually did know her better than most though. We're talking high school friends, college roommates, lesbian lovers, the works basically. Hadn't talk to her in about a year and a half after she left town in the middle of the night, not bothering to tell any of her "I know you better than most friends." (Including her live in (then) bf/fiance' who is also a good friend of mine (Commenter Chad) or myself.) I called Christmas, but it didn't go well. Regardless, it was an ackward phone call. seems... she hasn't changed. Which is sad. Because I love her and I want her to be happy, but part of me believes that she never will be. And I don't even begin to know why she's like she is. I have guesses, but what difference does it make at this point. It's got to be one of the hardest things on earth to watch someone crash and burn repeatadly and be helpless to control their actions, to stop them.

Thursday. My car died. Then my car restarted, I went to buy jeans. No luck. Then my car died again!! Stupid, stupid
!@##@@$^@$% I'll refrain from the explicit language I would prefer to use. At 9 Hubby left to go play poker, which is fine. BUT the earful he caught at poker about my stupid mouth (which I told a friend JOKINGLY! something and it has completely gotten back to the entire group of friends), that won't happen again. And evidentally our friends that we hung out with tuesday are mad because of something. Who knows. I can't keep up with that crowd and who's mad at who. Especially this week, basically I'm just too preoccupied with the baby having cerebral palsy and my manic depressive friend to worry about crappy childish he said/she said BS. I mean, get over it, like they never say anything that's even remotely rude, selfish, arrogant, or annoying. And to go through my husband. Sounds like to me it was a "get your woman in line, man" kind of comment and I DON'T PLAY LIKE THAT!

So yea, I'll take my "Doesn't Play Well With Others" shirt now and wear it with pride. :)
