Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Shut Up! (Please)
There are times in my life when I am less than decent to other human beings, but I try to be...decent, that is. Sometimes it's everything I can do to just not blurt out, "Why are you talking?" "I'm tired and I don't care." "You're still talking." "WHY??!!" "Hush" "It's quiet time." "My head is pounding with every word you speak." And this isn't pointed at anyone in particular. Not my coworkers, not my husband, not my family (i.e. mom) who appears to have turned "emailing" into an exercise in "reading between the lines to get your meaning." No mom, don't infer in my emails. They're emails, I say what I say because it is typed. And no, you're not allowed to get pissed off when I tell you to stop infering meaning into my emails that are typed containing no sarcasm whatsoever. And NOT EMAILING ME again is so not as good as you JUST NOT SPEAKING TO ME.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'd be surprised by how often just telling someone you're not in the mood to listen, actually works. And tbh, it's a lot more kind to just tell someone up front that you're not having a good day as opposed to letting them pour themselves out to you or w/e and then come to find out you didn't wanna listen anyway. Some wise words i came across the other day: be yourself, regardless of the tone. people that care don't matter, and people that matter don't care :D

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