Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Thursday, May 04, 2006
Injuries of Unknown Origin...
I know a lot of people who (I've read a lot of blogs about people who...) have bruises and they don't know where they came from. Either they don't remember or they don't realize it at the time, or they are just that clumbsy that a minor ding isn't noticable anymore (my case). I can completely identify with each and every aspect of an unknown bruise.

What I can't identify with, however, is an unknown carpet burn.

I have carpet burn on the side of my face and no clue how it got there. Directly underneath my eyebrow, just a bit out from my eye...about a quarter sized amount of fresh, burning, red carpet burn. I mean, OUCH! It hurts! Seriously!

Uhg. What on earth did I dream about last night to give myself carpet burn on my face? (Was I dreaming?) ((Is my husband behind this?)) (((Does neosporin help burns, because it's seriously on fire?)))


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