Paige's Deep Thoughts
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday....I mean....Tuesday's Thoughts
The Meetup from this weekend was fantastic. The people I met were very nice. Their writeups are much better than mine. You should go read theirs. Over there on my sidebar thingy there are links to the "Rocket City Bloggers." That's us. Get it ... Rockets... Huntsville...Space and Rocket Center... NASA...

Ya know.. I make fun of that, but I grew up in Shelbyville. Pronounced Sh-u-veil. Like a shuvel. And the locals used to say Shuvel, Can you dig it?


BUT... do go visit the bloggers, I believe there is even a Roller Girl in the mix.

Dreams and New Sites
Friday night I had the weirdest dream. LIKE THE WEIRDEST EVER!

If you'd like to read about that among other exciting events that occur in everyone's lives, hehe, go here: Two Twisted Sisters.
This is a new site that a friend of mine, Sweets, and I have started. She's hilarious. Pay us a visit. If you have questions or comments be sure to mark them down, I'm sure Sweets will be more than happy to respond to anyone's thoughts.

I won the tournament again!!! YEA ME!
